Assemblies Sandwich

Assemblies Sandwich

mealmeal details

This sandwich is a meataphor for the structure of this class. In my opinion, every aspect of this class was interconnected in one way or another. While taking this class I felt like each day what we discussed in the class built upon what we learned or read the day prior. Each element of this class was equally important for allowing us to reach the learning outcomes of the class.

wish I would have drawn a burrito so I could Title this sketch “That’s a wrap” ;(

My Final Narrative!

My Final Narrative!


Click  here for the Final Narrative

The Final Narrative is finally here. After many stages of drafting and revising the text and then drafting and redrawing the comic, I finally produced a written narrative that is comparable to the story that is portrayed by the comic. Initially, I wasn’t a huge fan of the idea of making so many drafts and revisions for this project. I found it a bit tedious. However, I think the fact that this project was one that we really got to take our time on and revisit through the semester helped it come out very nicely. I definitely think the last 2 parts of this 3 part project were the best thing things I produced this semester. Although I didn’t initially like the process of turning my comic back into a revised linear text I think it ended up making the revised text so much better than the original because using the comic to help make the writing in the final narrative much more detailed and expressive than the first draft.

Catch the Plate!

Catch the Plate!


View my map by clicking: Here

Initially, when I read Climate Changed I noticed the repetition of the plate throughout the comic. However, I didn’t realize that each time this frame came up the plate was getting closer and closer to the edge.

After mapping these repeated frames I understood the connection between these frames, and the conversion Squaoni had with his wife early in the text. (In this conversation he introduces the metaphor of blindly pushing his wife’s plate closer to the edge of the table).

The map I created helps show the progression of the plate in a qualitative manner in relation to the position of the plate. Creating the map also helped me see the number of times that this frame appeared in the comic, because when I read it the first time that didn’t stand out to me. I chose to create a map of this aspect of the book because I liked the metaphor Squarzoni gave at the beginning of the text and I felt that there had to be a deeper reason (which there was) as to why he kept showing the plate.

My map took the shape of a side view of the progression of the plate being pushed. I chose this shape because visually it made the most sense to me.

Success and limitations of my map:

  • Success:
    • the visual aspect
    • Qualitative measurement
  • Limitations
    • No quantitative measure
Comparison essay Reflection

Comparison essay Reflection

new doc 2018-11-20 21.09.26_4

Writing my comparison for Stitches and Spinning was definitely an assignment that reminded me the most of high school. In the beginning, when we were to not write a “three-paragraph” essay I was pretty scared because that is all I was ever told to so in high school. However, I think I was able to get my ideas across without writing in the structure I am used to. When beginning my comparison I first reread the Chute essay. I wanted to make sure that I was interpreting her essay correctly so I used the part that I understood the most. I decided to focus my essay on the comic conventions that help facilitate the representation of trauma.

Click here for the essay


How Mindful am I really?

How Mindful am I really?


technique in which one focuses one’s full attention only on the present, experiencing thoughtsfeelings, and sensations, but not judging them.

Screen Shot 2018-11-11 at 1.53.35 PMScreen Shot 2018-11-11 at 1.53.10 PM

For Sk9 we were asked to track an aspect of our life that is not obviously measurable. Recently in health class, we have been discussing holistic health and the influence that our mental and emotional state have on our overall well-being.

For this sketch, I tracked my level of Mindfulness. Mindfulness is a quality that I strive for and hope to be more of in the near future.  To measure my level of mindfulness I created three categories of activities that I do when I’m the most mindful (journaling, exercise/yoga, and meditating/being introspective). I also added in whether or not I felt happy overall on that day. I felt it would be difficult to numerically quantify how mindful I felt each day, so instead, I chose to measure my data based on yeses and nos for each category at the end of each day. I felt this way would be more easily interpreted by others who may see my data because yes and no are more concrete than an arbitrary value from a scale of 1-10. Based on the total number of yeses and nos I made a graph so each category could be easily conpared visually.

My conclusions

Based on the data, I can conclude that my level of mindfulness has a lot of room for improvement. Before doing this assignment I already knew in the back of my head that I wasn’t as mindful as I would like to be, but I was a bit in denial. Being able to visually see and interpret my results really puts things into perspective. For example,  Before doing this tracking assignment I truly believed that I exercised a lot more than I actually do, but now I can see that out of the 13 days that I tracked my mindfulness I only exercised or did yoga around 50% of the days.

Another thing that I realized after interpreting the data was that on the days that I had the most homework I was just more busy throughout the day were the days that had the least amount of “yes”-es for each category. Seeing this in a visual form was very helpful for me because now of busy day I know that I have to make an extra effort to make time to do the things that make me the most mindful. Also towards the end of the second week starting on Nov 7th  I made more time to spend by myself and I started going to sleep earlier instead of staying up late talking to friends, and those days I felt I was able to be more mindful and self-aware.


How Mindful am I really?..

It’s hard to say because mindfulness isn’t really a solid destination, and I realized that during this process. I don’t think it really possible to quantify how mindful I am because it is most likely different for everyone, However, one a personal bases I think my level of mindfulness has room grow and develop which I’m excited for.

(theoretical) Future plans

If I were to continue this project in the future (which I will) I would have to make a few more categories because reducing mindfulness into four concepts is not completely an accurate measure looking back. I think I would also be useful I just track how many times I feel mindful through the day.

Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover…

Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover…

The process of creating my Literacy Narrative final comic was really fun for me. It was a creative challenge that I really enjoyed. The final comic took a few days to complete. However, the process was very fluid for me. I didn’t really experience any huge creative blocks, the main challenge was just executing what I envisioned in a way that would be clear as well as coherent.

click here for the FINAL COMIC


a colorful cartoon book




Initially, I didn’t have any ideas for my combo photo, so I just searched for a bunch of different random objects of flicker (i.e. forks, shovels, cups, planes, watermelon, etc) and eventually I found two pictures that I liked and knew I could merge together.

The hardest part of this process was getting images to align. I had to add in the hose image at a slant so it could align properly with the straw.





“Very Hard..”

A story about a math test…



This comic is about my math quiz that I took last Friday!

My Idea

It took me until 8 pm on Sunday night to figure out what to make my comic about. During the week I tried paying attention to events that occurred but didn’t notice anything that seemed was very significant. However, in the midst of my mini panic on Sunday night, while trying to think of a true story from the week  that would be an interesting comic, I remembered the math quiz I had taken on Friday that had a question that I didn’t exactly remember how to do…

My choices 

Although this comic is supposed to be based on a true story I included a few aspects and and left out others to draw emphasis to the key components of the story. For example, I left a lot of the story in the gutter for the reader to interpret. In addition all the the speech bubbles consist of dialogue that is shortened. these choices helped me showcase the story in the most efficient way possible without including events that stray away from the main idea.

Other aspects of the comic, such as facial expressions and colors, were also choices that I included that don’t exactly portray the full reality of the story. However, these choices helped me show the intended mood and energy of the story in a manner that is most truthful from my perspective (however, some choices were simply just stylistic choices).


What’s in my backpack

whats in my bag

The things in my backpack are pretty minimalist but colorful at the same time. I like to keep the contents of my bag very simple because (1) it helps my stay organized (eventhough I’m not a very organized person but I try to be) and (2)  I only like to carry around things that are essential to me or else my bag will be to heavy 😅 (and all my classes are too far apart to be carrying a heavy bag ). The stuff in my backpack reflect me as a person because I really like colorful things (if you look closely at my chemistry notes to can see all the different pen colors I used :P)

The contents of my typical everyday backpack consist of

  • My notebook
  • Water bottle
  • My notes (I’ve been studying all weekend)
  • Umbrella (because it rains like crazy on campus)
  • My Laptop
  • Chapstick/ Lipgloss
  • Pencil case.

Crafting this picture as a reflection of myself was a fun process and it was a very easy process as well! The choices that I made to compose this image way mainly just the layout of the objects so I could fit them all in the picture.

The only challenge for me was keeping my water bottle from rolling of the table.
